How to hide user account names on OS X Mavericks’ login screen


For those who don’t want the available users to be publically visible to whoever wakes up or powers on your Mac, there is an easy way of hiding the list – or just select members. In a Terminal window run the following:


sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ HiddenUsersList -array-add [username]


You can do this to multiple accounts at once;


sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ HiddenUsersList -array-add [username01] [username02] [username03]


To find the username that OS X uses for each user account, do the following:


Go to System Preferences -> Users and Groups -> Click the lock to allow changes -> Right click on a username -> Advanced Options


Under the section:


Account Name


…you will see the account name which OS X uses for that user account.



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